More Pseudocode for Game Logic!

Class CollegeDeansList


    // Declarations

       string name

       string fieldOfStudy

       string deansList

       string academicPro // Academic probation.

  num gpa

output “Enter Name, Field of Study,GPA”

input name, gpa, fieldOfStudy // Where user enters their data.

if gpa > 3.5 then

output “gpa , You made the Dean’s List!” // Informs student of Deans list

or gpa > 2.0 but gpa < 3.5 then

output “gpa , Good Job!” // Informs student of a job well done.


gpa < 2.0 then

output “Academic Probation” // Informs student of Probation.


output “name, fieldOfStudy, gpa” // Final result



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