A Mix of Everything!
Well today was an interesting day! I really have to take a step back a re-evaluate everything that is going on. I feel like my days go by so fast, like I missed something somewhere. Overall, today was a good day, hell, an awesome day at that. Not going to jinx anything yet, but I will continue to work hard, and give everything my best shot. Then we shall see !
Been assigned to read the Hermetic Alchemy book. Looking forward to it as I have always wanted to have a little knowledge about Alchemy. Considering it is in most games that I like to play.
Have my C# assignments to do, which is coming along slowly but surely. Just want to make sure I am not rushing to turn in assignments at the end of the semester. Time to hit the books!
Blackwood Game Studios is going to have an important week this week in CSG110. Going to be going over SCRUM and more business aspects of the Gaming Industry, to better help us prepare for our final pitch presentation.
414 Games in CSG 115 aka Nursing Simulator, has been coming along slowly but surely. I really hope the team comes together in full force these next 5 weeks left of the semester, to have a decent looking MVP available. Whoever thought being a 1st semester student could be so hard, Ahh! But on a brighter note, I do have a meeting with our Client and the assistant Dean at MATC. Nothing crazy important, as I think she’s is meeting with him anyway, but Stephanie mentioned what we were doing and he wanted to check it out. Which is pretty cool. I am going to attempt to contact my build master and see if I can get a quick pic off of Unity to show what we have been working on.
Other than that,
Game logic and problem solving, I have to make a full pseudo code about the Lerpz tutorial I had to turn in.
Mothership is slowly but surely getting off the ground and trying to gain some recognition. There will a bunch of us at MATC Downtown Saturday to help with the Open House. If we get a certain amount of people to show, we will receive a few hundred dollars towards are Student Organization. Updated the webpage a little bit, but obviously going to continue to work on it.
Sometimes I just don’t know how people do it. I think some people have secret twins or secretaries.
Ooo man, time to get a bit of shut eye to let the neurons rest.