Well our MVP ( Minimal Viable Product ) was a success, and i have moved on to the next semester. If we would have not gotten this project done, the entire class would have been re-rolled, and we would have had to take 2 classes over again. THANK GOD, i worked endless hours with the team trying to get a working executable ready to present during Portfolio Night. Even up to the final minutes. But with a great team, we managed to pull together and get a Win/Loss/Boss fight scenario, with Start Menu, Loading, Win, Loss, and Credits screens all with audio. It was a really interesting learning experience and it was a lot of fun learning the hard way with the team. The most valuable lessons i have learned from this project, was that Sprint 0 is extremely important, Tech Requirements MUST be followed, 2.5D Games are extremely touchy, and never procrastinate how much time is on clock, lol.