Amazing experience...

Every day that goes by people ask me why I work so hard. I always answer with the same response. This is it for me, this is what I want to do with my life, and I am determined to make a name for myself and become a great video game developer! For me, it doesn't matter whether I am doing social media marketing, programming, or designing, I love doing it all. I just want to contribute to my teams in any way I can in order for us to be successful. It's really nice to see my hard work starting to pay off a bit this month.

I have helped Jon Harwood Creations Greenlight two different games onto the Steam Marketplace. Jon is a talented indie developer and I am glad to be apart of the team. Jon recently turned his dreams into a reality and JHC is now an LLC! Congratulations Jon! Looking forward to an exciting journey marketing games for this guy! Maybe one day I can actually help with the Development process or make a cool mechanic in one of his games.... :) Jon also recently announced a new character for his game Demon Hearts! Check out Chata!

We also have been running a Kickstarter Campaign for Forever Interactive, Inc for Visions of Zosimos this past month, and guess what? It was a success too! I have never tried marketing for a Kickstarter before, but let me tell ya, the crowd funding market is one tough market. We were fortunate enough to hit our goal and more! At the end of the campaign, we had 63 Backers, $5,116, and were 127% funded! It was an amazing experience and I gained a wealth of knowledge from this campaign.

Moving forward it's the School semester is coming to an end, and we all know what that means .... FINAL PROJECTS!

I have ton's of thing's to accomplish these last few weeks! Our Team at Raid+ Interactive is working extremely hard to get things ready for MATC's portfolio night! I have been working on helping out with as much GUI work as I possibly can, and ordering business cards for the event. Check them out and some pictures of our game Scoundrels of Yen in engine! Still tons more work to accomplish!

After the semester is over, I will be updating this Developers Blog with a ton more updates! I can't wait to clean my computer and cloud space! I will also be purchasing a new lap top here soon! I also can't wait for that as I have been carrying my PC Tower to school for nearly 5 semesters now!

Onward! :)

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