Let's Make A Card Game!
For my Intro. to Game Design class, I wrote about in my last post how we are to create our own board/card/dice game. I was to work with the same team I previously worked on the Skyrim presentation with. After having discussed my idea with the team, another team member basically had the same idea that I had, as he wanted to make a semi-fast paced card game similar to war.
After much discussion, we decided on making a battle card dice game, and we are calling it Bionic Mayhem!
We decided to assign each team member a specific deck to work on and that they would be responsible for that deck for the remainder of the semester. We came to a decision on 4 different elements, Combustion, Toxic, Hydro, and Quantum.
The outline of our game is similar to Magic the Gathering and Hearthstone, but a completely different plat style. Our game is going to be a prototype of a collectible card game. We will have 40 to 60 card decks built around our bionic champion.
I was assigned the Hydro deck, which I was extremely excited about. Honestly I would of been happy with any of the elements. Time to get some mechanics down, create some cards, and play test!
We brought a bunch of index cards, got to cutting, and started play testing our game from scratch, and discussed our different options and how our game should play out.
After much discussion, we decided on making a battle card dice game, and we are calling it Bionic Mayhem!
We decided to assign each team member a specific deck to work on and that they would be responsible for that deck for the remainder of the semester. We came to a decision on 4 different elements, Combustion, Toxic, Hydro, and Quantum.
The outline of our game is similar to Magic the Gathering and Hearthstone, but a completely different plat style. Our game is going to be a prototype of a collectible card game. We will have 40 to 60 card decks built around our bionic champion.
I was assigned the Hydro deck, which I was extremely excited about. Honestly I would of been happy with any of the elements. Time to get some mechanics down, create some cards, and play test!
We brought a bunch of index cards, got to cutting, and started play testing our game from scratch, and discussed our different options and how our game should play out.
Images compliments of Juwan Wright.