Attending the iFair
So it's time again for another iFair event in Milwaukee! My Professor, Mike Anderson, has been inviting me to volunteer to help him for the past 4 event, and it's a pleasure to do it. This time we also had one of our Professor's from the Animation department come through and brought two pairs of the Oculus Rift VR headsets, which the kids loved obviously. We also had the IT Developers from our school there as well. It's always cool just being able to represent the Computer Simulation and Gaming program at MATC, but also to see the kids reactions when you tell them that you make video games. I also can't help but to laugh on how many times I hear the kids are just fascinated by Mike's Alienware laptop with the rain-bowed keyboard, rather than the student made games being shown on the computer screen, but it's still a rewarding experience every time none the less.