Concepts for the "Client"
So as part of my first task for our Designing Interactive Displays class final project, I was tasked with working on the some of the Concepts, helping with the invoice's and mini pitch's about the idea for our "client", aka our Professor. Below are some images of our concepts. I helped with some of the descriptions and photo shopped images or found reference images on the internet for these concepts.
The client also gave us a bit more information about he company "SecuriLock" and what they have to offer.
Security Management Products
This tight integration enables you to gain complete security visibility across any on premises or
hosted desktop, network, or server, and strengthen incident response. The open, extensible
architecture of the security management platform allows organizations to focus on what they
need to protect, while optimizing security management to lower costs of operations and increase
Global Threat Monitor
Based on activity from millions of sensors world-wide and an extensive research team,
Securilock publishes timely, relevant threat activity via Global Threat Monitor(GTM). This
always-on, cloud-based threat intelligence service enables accurate protection against known and
fast-emerging threats by providing threat determination and contextual reputation metrics. GTM
integrates directly with our security products, instantly protecting against emerging threats to
reduce operational efforts and time between detection and containment.
Data Protection
Safeguard data and stay compliant with our enterprise data protection solutions. Our solutions
provide multilayered protection for data regardless of where it resides weather that is on the
network, in the cloud, or at the endpoint. Encryption options include enterprise-grade drive
encryption or management of native encryption.
Server Security
As your business optimizes server infrastructure throughout physical, virtual, and public and
private clouds, your systems need server protection that can fight complex threats without
impacting performance. Our server security solutions discover workloads, protect servers, and
expand into the cloud. Build deep server security and efficient compliance practices around
business-critical servers, whether they exist in physical or virtual environments, on premises, or
in the cloud.
Network Security
Our network security solutions include network intrusion prevention and advanced sandboxing
detection, all designed from the ground up to work together and protect your network from the
next generation of network-based attacks. Our framework provides maximum availability,
flexibility, and manageability with minimum overhead and risk.