Midwest Gaming Classic 2016!
So for the 3rd year in a row, I attended the Midwest Gaming Classic in Brookfield, Wisconsin. It was a fantastic time as always! 3 years ago, being apart of the MATC Mothership, we were also the student chapter of the Wisconsin IGDA, which is why I started attending the event. Now, I help with gathering the local indie developers in the area to help them show off their games in the Wisconsin IGDA Showcase room at the event! This year we had 5 rooms full of local developers showing off a variety of Indie games and even virtual reality! This year, considering I didn't actually have a booth to run, I mainly helped out where I could, and gave people breaks from their own booths from time to time. It was really nice to actually be able to walk around, enjoy the convention, meet new people, and nerd out a little bit.
Always look forward to this event as it continues to get bigger every year! Next year though I am hoping that one of the companies I work for will be wanting to show something off at the event!
Think I nerded out a little too much , lol check out the image below of everything I purchased at the event! Had fun trying out the HTC Vive, playing Typing of the Dead for Sega Dreamcast and seeing the Nintendo Playstation! Great seeing everyone there, and thank you to all the teams who showed off their games this year in the IGDA Wisconsin Showcase rooms!