Little by Little ...
Hello again, as promised, a more detailed update from the good ole' BrewCityGamer ...
So moving forward in my journey into the depths of game development, I have been attacking the social media market once again! Getting together Raid+ accounts, cleaning up documents, setting up profiles, preparing for a up-coming event (that we are currently working out the details with), the YouTube videos I posted below, setting up our Twitch account, and much more! Currently broke over 100 followers on our Twitter and Instagram. Got a lot more work to do to get those followers, likes, and subscribers flowing in! We currently are also looking for some contract work, and are getting together soon to discuss a game plan. We are also getting together to discuss a lot of things coming up in the future that pertain too our Website, streaming on Twitch, and gaining exposure in our community. Here are some images below of the past couple weeks from the Raid+ crew and social media. Some Alpha Art work and screenshots of our build for our upcoming Heist style game. More news to come out about that soon too!
As far as game development goes, right now it's extremely social media marketing and networking heavy. Although I plan on getting through my stack social course on the legal and startup for indies and move onto something in the Unity engine. Plus, the sooner I get Social Media under control and I am comfortable at Raid+, I will be working on the Heist game. :) I am also currently working on getting 3 years of work off of my college google drive account as I don't know when they will be canceling my account. XD
Right now, as the day after the wedding, I will be 3000% looking for a Career opportunity, I have to get my Resume, Cover Letter, and Linked-IN all polished up here in the next coming days.
I have an meeting this coming Monday with a dear friend and Amazon Web Services executive who has been wanting to get me a career since we first met, but really couldn't cause I was in school. Now that I am done, we are re-connecting, and going to discuss a game plan for me and where he can help. This guy is one of the busiest guys I know, but he is also one of the most connected. I am very honored and extremely privileged to have met this contact. I will also mention Raid+ and hand him my business cards to let him know if he hears of any local software contract opportunities, to let us know! I'll keep you posted on that as well.
I am also going to look over the Jobs that Blizzard is currently hiring for, select a few of them, and hand my Resume / Cover letters over to my new friends and contacts who actually work at Blizzard. They said they would hand in my information with their recommendations personally. If this happens, and I get an interview, I will literally dance like a ballerina around my entire neighborhood until I pass out. It would be a honest to god, dream come true if I could obtain a career at Blizzard. If I did, I can promise you they will not be disappointed they hired me. I'd be the best damn employee they would ever have! I really can't thank my friend enough for connecting me with her friends that work at Blizzard. Truly goes to show you what friends are for. To always help one another. To never burn any bridges, cause you never know what or who might stand in front of you 10 or 20 years down the road.
Until next time .... \m/ >.< \m/
Still haven't gotten my dental work done. Still waiting to hear from Marquette about referring me to another Oral Surgeon that will accept my future dental insurance once I am married here in less than 10 days! On top of that, I must of sprained my Knee somehow, cause that's been hurting almost as much as my tooth lately. Plus with all the wedding planning and drama on top of all of this ...
End of rant ... LOL
Forgot to mention not too long ago, my wonderful soon to be Cousin-In-Law had been making my fiance a gift for quite sometime now. Obviously it was a gift (which I intend on paying him back someday for) that he had ran into issues with while making it. He texted me a few weeks back and said that the helmet was finished and he would be in town to drop it off. I told my fiance that she had a early wedding present coming in on Saturday. When they arrived and she received her gift, it was like seeing a little kid going to Disneyland for the first time. I don't think I'll ever get her to take it off....LOL! If your reading this ... Thank you Emmanuel! You are a rockstar! Now I want him to make me a white and green ranger helmet. ... lol
So moving forward in my journey into the depths of game development, I have been attacking the social media market once again! Getting together Raid+ accounts, cleaning up documents, setting up profiles, preparing for a up-coming event (that we are currently working out the details with), the YouTube videos I posted below, setting up our Twitch account, and much more! Currently broke over 100 followers on our Twitter and Instagram. Got a lot more work to do to get those followers, likes, and subscribers flowing in! We currently are also looking for some contract work, and are getting together soon to discuss a game plan. We are also getting together to discuss a lot of things coming up in the future that pertain too our Website, streaming on Twitch, and gaining exposure in our community. Here are some images below of the past couple weeks from the Raid+ crew and social media. Some Alpha Art work and screenshots of our build for our upcoming Heist style game. More news to come out about that soon too!
The previous development team that I was apart of was just at Gen Con this past week too! I am so jealous that I was unable to go this year. Gen Con is a LOT of fun and I highly recommend adding it to the old bucket list, especially if your a passionate gamer.
I will also be attending an Extra Life event at my local Children's Hospital this coming weekend that I am completely excited for! It's a Milwaukee-Madison Extra Life Guild Kickoff! Going to be discussing this years big Extra Life event, important roles that are available, as well as connecting with the local community of gamers who support the same cause that I do. I will be wearing my Raid+ polo and have ton's of business cards handy, ready to go.
If you are able to attend, its THIS Sunday, 8/14! Click the image below for the Event details!
Right now, as the day after the wedding, I will be 3000% looking for a Career opportunity, I have to get my Resume, Cover Letter, and Linked-IN all polished up here in the next coming days.
I have an meeting this coming Monday with a dear friend and Amazon Web Services executive who has been wanting to get me a career since we first met, but really couldn't cause I was in school. Now that I am done, we are re-connecting, and going to discuss a game plan for me and where he can help. This guy is one of the busiest guys I know, but he is also one of the most connected. I am very honored and extremely privileged to have met this contact. I will also mention Raid+ and hand him my business cards to let him know if he hears of any local software contract opportunities, to let us know! I'll keep you posted on that as well.
I am also going to look over the Jobs that Blizzard is currently hiring for, select a few of them, and hand my Resume / Cover letters over to my new friends and contacts who actually work at Blizzard. They said they would hand in my information with their recommendations personally. If this happens, and I get an interview, I will literally dance like a ballerina around my entire neighborhood until I pass out. It would be a honest to god, dream come true if I could obtain a career at Blizzard. If I did, I can promise you they will not be disappointed they hired me. I'd be the best damn employee they would ever have! I really can't thank my friend enough for connecting me with her friends that work at Blizzard. Truly goes to show you what friends are for. To always help one another. To never burn any bridges, cause you never know what or who might stand in front of you 10 or 20 years down the road.
Until next time .... \m/ >.< \m/
My wonderful cat Bo who always checks up on my Dev progress.
He says "Damn Dude, you sure have a lot in progress. Get your ass to work son!"